The best way to introduce 100 Synonyms for Said is to have student highlight ten words they feel comfortable using – then use them! 100 Synonyms for Said will help students use other descriptors, such as shrieked, gloated, or quipped. Learning synonyms can be fun and children often enjoy online games that help them practice this important skill. Another word for happy. Sight words are high frequency words that should be read fluently and automatically upon sight; they are among the most common English words and many are not spelled phonetically. Required fields are marked *. Top synonyms for child (other words for child) are baby, infant and children. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! I truly appreciate people like you! Everything you need to know about sight words. Have students keep 100 Synonyms for … What made you want to look up kids? Examples of true synonyms are rare in any language, if they exist at all.

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Excellent collection of words,Really you might have put lot of hard work and research on it,Thank you for your support ,Students will find ot more useful for synonym as well as vocabulary building up.Excellent ! Within the categories the sorting is alphabetical.

Check out our FREE sight word worksheets – we have over 150 in our database! Within the categories the sorting is alphabetical. Nglish: Translation of kids for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of kids for Arabic Speakers. I apologize for any mistakes - which are not deliberately committed. According to one definition (attributed to Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646 - 1716)) two expressions are synonymous if the substitution of one for the other does not change the "truth value" of a sentence in which the substitution is made. Free Synonyms Worksheets | Weight Loss Zone, List of Antonyms and Free Printable Antonym Worksheets, able - capable - competent - adept - proficient - skilled, achieve - accomplish - attain - realize - reach - complete, add - total - sum up - tally - combine - count, aim - purpose - goal - intention - target, anger - rage - fury - annoyance - resentment, arrive - reach - get to - enter - appear - pull in, ask - question - interrogate - inquire - request - solicit, astonish - surprise - amaze - astound - dumbfounded - flabbergasted, bear - endure - tolerate - suffer - endure, before - prior to - in front of - ahead of - previous to - earlier than, begin - start - initiate - commence - activate, border - edge - margin - boundary - perimeter, bother - annoy - pester - harass - disturb, boy - lad - youth - child - young man - youngster - schoolboy, brave - courageous - daring - bold - fearless - valiant - heroic, bulge - swell - protrude - knot - lump - hump, call - shout - yell- cry out - scream - exclaim, calm - composed - serene - tranquil - peaceful - composed - relaxed, car - auto - vehicle - automobile - sedan - coupe, careful - cautious - prudent - vigilant - wary - watchful, change - vary - alter - adjust - amend - modify - transform, charm - fascinate - enchant - captivate - mesmerize - enthrall - enrapture, cheat - deceive - swindle - bamboozle - dupe - trick - con, children - youngsters - tots - brood - kids - offspring, city - borough - town - metropolis - municipality, consent - agree - acquiesce - blessing - approval - permission, continue - persevere - persist - keep on - keep trying - keep at it - carry on - go on, country - nation - state - realm - kingdom, cure - heal - restore - make well - alleviate - mend, danger - peril - hazard - risk - threat - menace - jeopardy, decrease - lessen - diminish - reduce - cut - dwindle - decline - shrink, defect - flaw - blemish - imperfection - fault - deficiency, delay - postpone - procrastinate - put off - defer, different - varied - diverse - dissimilar, disaster - calamity - catastrophe - tragedy - adversity, divide - separate - split - partition - break up - segregate, during - while - at the same time - throughout, eat - consume - devour - gorge - munch - wolf - chomp, effort - exertion - endeavor - attempt - try, end - finish - complete - conclusion - last part, energy - power - strength - vigor - force - might, enough - adequate - sufficient - plenty - ample - enough, error - mistake - fallacy - fault - blunder - slip up - boo-boo - miscalculation, explain - expound - elucidate - give details - make clear - clarify - enlighten, faith - trust - reliance - confidence - assurance - conviction, fat - plump - stout - overweight - chubby - obese - heavy - big, fetch - bring - retrieve - get - obtain - bring - go and get, find - locate - discover - come across - uncover - stumble on, fix - repair - mend - put right - patch up - renovate, flat - level - flush - even - smooth - plane - horizontal, food - nourishment - sustenance - provisions - groceries - chow - cuisine, form - shape - make up - appearance - figure, fragile - delicate - breakable - easily broken - brittle - flimsy, freedom - independence - liberty - autonomy - free will - sovereignty, frequent - often - many times - repeated - numerous - recurrent, gift - present - donation - contribution - bequest - endowment - offering, give - provide - offer - present - furnish - bestow - grant - award - confer - assign, glum - morose - sullen - gloomy - sad - depressed - negative - sullen - miserable, grateful - appreciative - thankful - obliged - indebted, great - grand - large - big - huge - immense - enormous - vast, grow - mature - develop - enlarge - expand -swell, happy - glad - joyous - content - pleased - cheerful - blissful - blissful - exultant - ecstatic - jovial, hard - difficult - troublesome - awkward - tricky - tough - problematic - demanding - challenging - grueling - arduous, hate - detest - despise - disgust - revulsion - loathe- dislike - abhorrence, have - own - possess - retain - hold - control, heal - mend - cure - repair - restore - make well, hold - grasp - clutch - grip - clasp - seize - embrace, honest - truthful - sincere - straightforward, hurry - rush - accelerate - hasten - scurry - dash - urgency - hustle - hasten, idea - thought - concept - design - plan - scheme- suggestion - proposal - initiative, ill - sick - indisposed - unwell - ailing - poorly, income - revenue - earnings - proceeds -pay, job - work - occupation - trade - profession - career - employment, junk - rubbish - waste - garbage - scrap - trash - debris - litter, just - fair - right - impartial - righteous - honest - truthful - moral, just - now - immediately - presently - in a minute - very soon, keep - hold - retain - store - stash - stock - deposit, key - answer - solution -explanation - means - secret - source - basis, kill - slaughter - murder - slay - execute - eradicate - exterminate - destroy, kind - considerate - helpful - caring - sympathetic - nice - gentle - thoughtful - compassionate - benevolent - humane - benign, kind - type - sort - class - variety - brand - category - breed - manner - style, large - big - enormous - great - huge - fat - bulky - hefty - sizeable - obese - heavy, late - tardy - delayed - belated - behind, learn - acquire - understand - discover - ascertain - gather, leave - depart - go away - run off - abscond - disappear, like - enjoy - be fond of - love - be keen on - be partial to, listen - hear - pay attention - take note - eavesdrop - snoop, little - small - petite - modest - slight - diminutive - tiny - minute- miniature, lively - vivacious - energetic - vigorous - active - dynamic - spirited - bubbly, long - lengthy - drawn out - extended - extensive - elongated - stretched, look - glance - see - gaze - stare - glance - glare - glimpse - peep - peek, mad - angry - furious - livid - irate - infuriated - fuming - annoyed, mad - crazy - insane - absurd - ridiculous - ludicrous - wacky - misguided - foolish - nutty, make - build - construct - create - craft - formulate - compose - assemble, many - numerous - multitudinous - a lot of - loads of - countless - several - various - scores of, marvelous - wonderful - extraordinary - amazing - stunning - spectacular - excellent - awe-inspiring - splendid - fabulous- superb - fantastic, mean - nasty - unkind - cruel - callous - uncaring - malicious - despicable - unpleasant, mean - stand for - denote - indicate - represent - imply - signify - suggest - insinuate - purport - portend, mend - repair - restore - fix - put right - put back together - patch up, method - way - manner - technique - process - system - scheme - means - routine - mode, might - strength - power - force - capacity - valor, mistake - error - blunder - fault - slip up - gaffe - inaccuracy - oversight - misstep - blooper - faux pas - muddle, move - go - shift - budge - stir - be in motion - travel - transport - propel - progress, name - title - designation - forename - surname, near - close by - in the vicinity - by - next to - in the vicinity of - in close proximity -in the neighborhood, need - want - require - call for - necessitate - essential, new - fresh - recent - novel - original - innovative, noise - uproar - clamor - clatter - racket - blast - blare, novice - beginner - learner - trainee - apprentice - greenhorn - amateur, occur - happen - take place - crop up - arise - come about - transpire, often - frequently - repeatedly - over and over again - time and again - regularly - habitually, old - aged - ancient - elderly - mature - not getting any younger, omit - delete - remove - leave out - pass over - skip - exclude - overlook, one - single - unit - solitary - lone - individual, open - unlock - unseal - unbolt - undo - unfasten - release - untie - unwrap, ornament - decoration - adornment - embellishment - enhancement - enrichment, outlive - survive - outlast - live longer than, page - sheet - leaf - piece of paper - folio - side, pain - ache - hurt - soreness - sting - tenderness - twinge - throbbing, pair - couple - duo - two of a kind - twosome, pardon - forgive - excuse - forgive and forget - let off - absolve - exonerate, part - portion - piece - fraction - division - element - ingredient - component - section, peak - climax - hit the highest point - max out - reach your zenith - crest - reach your peak, peak - summit - mountaintop - point - crest, people - public - populace - citizens - nation - community - natives - group - inhabitants, play - have fun - frolic - romp - amusement - engage in recreation - fool around, praise - acclaim - applaud - admire - commend - honor - congratulate, primary - chief - principal - main - most important - key - prime - major - crucial, prohibit - forbid - restrict - ban - bar - exclude - make illegal - disallow - rule out - veto, put - place - locate - set - lay - position - situate - plant - deposit, raid - attack - invade - search - forced entry - robbery - break in - foray - storm - ransack - assault, reckless - careless - rash - irresponsible - wild - thoughtless - out of control - inattentive - hasty - careless, remote - distant - secluded - isolated - inaccessible - far off - in the sticks - out of the way - faraway, renew - restore - revive - renovate - refurbish - repair - mend - make good - replenish - revamp, respect - honor - reverence - admiration - high opinion - deference - esteem, revise - alter - correct - amend - modify - adjust - change - improve - rework, right - correct - proper - true - accurate - precise - perfect - exact, say - state - remark - speak - utter - articulate - declare - pronounce - cry - shout - verbalize - exclaim -, seem - appear - look - give the impression - look like - look as if, sell - vend - market - advertise - trade - retail - get rid of, shame - humiliation - mortified - disgrace - embarrassment - dishonor - indignity - ignominy - infamy, show - demonstrate - display - explain - illustrate, sorry - regretful - penitent - apologetic - remorseful - repentant - sad - unhappy, speed - haste - hurry - swiftness - hustle - rapid - quick, speed - pace - rate - velocity - momentum - tempo, start - create - found - establish - begin - commence - birth - foundation - pioneer - inception - initiation, still - unmoving - silent - immobile - motionless - at rest - at a standstill - tranquil - at a halt - stagnant, stop - halt - end - discontinue - finish - cease, story - tale - account - narrate - legend - chronicle - anecdote, strength - power - energy - force - might - potency - muscle - vigor, supply - provide - furnish - bring - deliver - give - contribute - equip, surpass - exceed - outdo - beat - outshine - go beyond, take - grab - seize - get - obtain - acquire - procure - grasp, tense - anxious - nervous - stressed - edgy - uptight - apprehensive, terrify - alarm - frighten - horrify - scare - petrify - shock -frighten, thanks - gratitude - appreciation - recognition - credit - merit - thankfulness, thaw - melt - dissolve - defrost - soften - liquefy, thief - robber - crook - burglar - shoplifter - pickpocket - bandit, thin - slender - slim - skinny - bony - lean - emaciated - skeletal - lanky, think - believe - reflect - contemplate - ponder - deliberate - mull over, time - occasion - instance - point in time - moment - instant, timid - fearful - nervous - shy - timorous - coy - apprehensive - tentative, tiny - small - diminutive - minute - miniature - minuscule - little - petite - insignificant - teeny - microscopic, trial - test - experiment - examination - check - tryout - audition - assessment, true - factual - accurate - right - spot on - correct - proper - exact, true - faithful - loyal - dedicated - constant - sincere - firm - dutiful - devoted, try - attempt - endeavor - struggle - strive - aim - seek - undertake, turn - revolve - pivot - twist - rotate - go round - spin - roll - circle - twirl, ugly - homely - plain - unattractive - hideous - unsightly - revolting - repulsive - unpleasant, understand - comprehend - discern - know - grasp - recognize - realize, unify - consolidate - combine- unite - join - merge - fuse - bring together, uproar - tumult - pandemonium - chaos - upheaval - racket - turbulence, urge - advise - advocate - support - recommend - press - exhort - beg - plead, use - operate - employ - utilize - exercise - apply, vacant - empty - unoccupied - available - not in use - unfilled - not taken, value - worth - price - cost - charge - rate - assessment, vast - huge - immense - enormous - gigantic - immense - cosmic - infinite - immeasurable - measureless - limitless, verify - confirm - substantiate - prove - authenticate - corroborate - attest to, victor - winner - champion - champ - conqueror - vanquisher - defeater, walk - stroll - saunter - amble - march - stride - pace - hike - move, want - crave - desire - wish for - fancy - covet - yearn for - require, waver - fluctuate - vacillate - dither - hesitate - be indecisive - be irresolute - falter -, weak - feeble - frail - puny - scrawny - fragile - limp, wealth - riches - fortune - prosperity - affluent - treasures, word - term - expression - utterance - sound - statement - remark, work - labor - toil - exertion - employment - job - vocation - occupation, write - draft - record - inscribe - mark - put pen to paper.

The best way to introduce 100 Synonyms for Said is to have student highlight ten words they feel comfortable using – then use them! 100 Synonyms for Said will help students use other descriptors, such as shrieked, gloated, or quipped. Learning synonyms can be fun and children often enjoy online games that help them practice this important skill. Another word for happy. Sight words are high frequency words that should be read fluently and automatically upon sight; they are among the most common English words and many are not spelled phonetically. Required fields are marked *. Top synonyms for child (other words for child) are baby, infant and children. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! I truly appreciate people like you! Everything you need to know about sight words. Have students keep 100 Synonyms for … What made you want to look up kids? Examples of true synonyms are rare in any language, if they exist at all.

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