about Arctic sea-ice status summer 2020: Updated! The met platform uses the Met.no web service as a source for meteorological data for your location. The weather forecast is delivered by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the NRK. Basically all our data and products are free and available free of charge from our download services.

To add Met.no to your installation, go to JOSTEDALSBREEN (NRK): Varsellampane har lenge blinka raudt, men i år har fleire av dei største isbreane nesten ikkje krympa.

️ I #SørNorge kommer det heldigvis en liten pause i morgen! Arctic sea-ice status summer 2020: new record low for July. Phone: +47 22 96 30 00, Workshop on Data Evaluation for Climate Models (DECM), About the Norwegian Meteorological Institute. Postboks 43 Blindern Executive editor: Thor Gjermund Eriksen.

Yr is a joint service by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation. Following a very snowy winter, with record snow depths in several places, more than half of Troms and Finnmark has melted free of snow in just a couple of weeks. Large parts of the Norwegian Meteorological Institute's data and products are available from MET's self-service download services.

The Norwegian Meteorological Institute (Norwegian: Meteorologisk institutt), also known internationally as MET Norway, is Norway's national meteorological institute. Låg sol, regndropar og ei stille vassoverflate kan forklare eit mystisk vêrfenomen på Vestlandet. Open source code To a large extent MET uses free software in the work of collecting, processing and distributing data. Du kan få svært mye av innholdet på Yr gratis, til bruk i ulike applikasjoner og tjenester.

Arctic sea-ice status summer 2020: Updated! Editor: Ingrid Støver Jensen. Det er ventet 20 til 30 cm snø pÃ¥ 24 timer, i omrÃ¥der over 200 meter.

This corresponds to an area ten times the size of Norway. At cryo.met.no we have now further developed a product that shows the current snow depth (starting 1st september every year) in relation to previous years and all-time highs and lows. about 2020 is one of the years with the least ice in the Arctic, about New snow depth figures on cryo.met.no. Editor: Ingrid Støver Jensen. about Arctic sea-ice status summer 2020: new record low for July, 2020 is one of the years with the least ice in the Arctic.

Meteorological responsible: Roar Skålin.

Meteorological responsible: Roar Skålin. To a large extent MET uses free software in the work of collecting, processing and distributing data. The summer of 2020 broke several records in the This web portal gives access to the latest products and information about sea ice, snow and permafrost - the cryosphere - from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute. I dag er det stort sett likt for alle, med skyer over det ganske land ☁️ Men lengst nord og lengst øst, i BerlevÃ¥g, er det blÃ¥ himmel til morgenkaffen ☕ Foto: @Luftambulansenpic.twitter.com/QG2MAM4uLM, Det har vært noen rolige dager i nord denne uka, men nÃ¥ er det endringer i vente. For å utnytte Yroptimalt, bør du aktivere JavaScript i nettleseren din. Yr er et samarbeid mellom NRK og Meteorologisk institutt. Yr is a joint service by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation. Executive editor: Thor Gjermund Eriksen. Blir du værsyk nÃ¥r det er grÃ¥tt og vÃ¥tt?

I tillegg til mye vind er det sendt ut farevarsel pÃ¥ snø. The Norwegian Meteorological Institute Men nå kommer godværet til værsyke nordlendinger, Fylkesberedskapssjef: – Det skulle vært rødt varsel, Skogbrannane i USA kan gi raude solnedgangar i Noreg, Storm og regn i nord – sol og 20 pluss i sør, Sommeren 2020 er den varmeste sommeren i manns minne, Snøfall på fjellet fleire stader i Sør-Noreg: – Gjekk betre enn venta, Varsler opp mot sju meter høye bølger langs norskekysten. Here's an updated status of the Arctic sea-ice conditions in summer 2020. Fredag blÃ¥ser det opp pÃ¥ kysten av #Troms og #Finnmark, og fredag kveld vil det være sterk kuling. Dersom du utvikler program, nettjenester eller annet med data frå Yr, oppfordrer vi deg til å dele det du har laget med andre! The summer of 2020 broke several records in the Arctic. So far, 2020 is one of the years we have measured the least sea ice in the Arctic. This web portal gives access to the latest products and information about sea ice, snow and permafrost - the cryosphere - from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute. Meteorological responsible: Roar Skålin.

Editor: Ingrid Støver Jensen. Weather alerts from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute Astronomy Sunrise 2.0 Calculate sun/moon rise/set for a given place Aviation Aviationforecast 1.6 Textual aviation weather forecasts NLAroutes 1.0 Vertical cross 1.0 Large parts of the Norwegian Meteorological Institute's data and products are available from MET's self-service download services. Norwegian Meteorological Institute MET Norway is the meteorological service for military and civil services as well as the general public in Norway. July 2020 stole the record from July 2012. Please familiarise yourself with the terms and conditions of the license for using our data. The July 2020 mean sea-ice extent is the lowest on record for this month in the 40+ years long satellite record, with an averaged value of 8.1 million square kilometers. Yr is a joint service by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation.

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