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Masters Gallia, Windu, and Piell on Malastare. [Source]. Master Gallia's skill with a lightsaber was only rivaled by her affinity for piloting starfighters in battle, having trained with the renowned ace pilot Saesee Tiin. As a revered Jedi Master of the High Council, Gallia was naturally an exceptionally skilled member of the Order, who completed several notable assignments during her service to the galaxy. Her parents and the Prince of Lannik were all saved by the timely intervention of revered Lannik Jedi Master Even Piell. [16] Speaking with a recovered Chancellor Valorum, Gallia was finally able to compile a true threat assessment of the Trade Federation and reported their plans of a blockade to him. Engaging a group of Cavik Toth's Hex Bombers, Gallia and Tachi managed to destroy all of the ships, killing Toth in the dogfight. [3] However, sometimes Jedi were forced to create synth-crystals when a weapon was needed and no naturally occurring crystals were accessible. The original purpose of the compressor was to replicate geological conditions on distant worlds in a laboratory setting, and it was easily adapted for creating synth-crystals; simply replicating the geological processes that create crystals. With Jinn assisting Kenobi, Master Gallia and her Padawan raced after the fleeing scientist in the hope they could bring her to justice. Adegan crystals featuring a red coloration were not unheard of, Darth Vader utilizing such a crystal in one of his lightsabers,[10] and red-hued crystals were known to form naturally in the Crystal Cave on Dantooine, along with blue, green, yellow and violet crystals. [3], It is unknown when the Sith and other Dark side groups began using synthetic crystals, though red crystals have been in use since the days of the Old Sith Empire, with notables such as Karness Muur and his followers wielding such weapons. Having recovered the amnesic Padawan Aayla Secura on Kiffu, the Council members helped refresh some of her memories by detailing the history of the Stark Hyperspace War, which her master and all present had fought in. Tholothian[4] Forced to retreat, Kenobi managed to grab Gallia's lightsaber before fleeing. Despite her undoubted skill in combat, Master Gallia eventually fell to the blade of Nightbrother Savage Opress while fighting alongside Obi-Wan Kenobi on Florrum in 20 BBY. Siri Tachi[6] While Padawan Fida died during the fighting, Gallia was able to protect the ships and lead the surviving Jedi back to the Coruscant Temple, with the Yinchorri conflict in the hands of the Senate. While they were preparing for the journey. Master Gallia joined the Bith Jedi Master Ph'ton in the mission to Alderaan, flying her starfighter in an attempt to guard the convoy headed to the peaceful planet. When Republic Intelligence proved inaccurate, the three Jedi led Republic forces to the planet where they engaged Grievous's fleet in battle. [22], Coinciding with her duties on the High Council, Master Gallia attended the funeral of Master Yarael Poof and the Knighting ceremony of Padawan Aayla Secura. Gallia had gathered information on the mission Jinn had been assigned, the tracking of Jenna Zan Arbor, and had reason to believe that the mad scientist was behind his kidnapping, as well as that of Master R'aya. Along with Knight A'Sharad Hett and several other Jedi, Gallia led a successful attack on fleeing Confederacy ships until the Republic disengaged from the fighting and returned to Coruscant. Varies [29] During a similar situation near Varonat, Masters Gallia, Koon, and Ki-Adi Mundi, with the help of Padawan Anakin Skywalker, destroyed a massive pirate vessel that was harrying the Republic. Fortunately for the Jedi, the ship of Quarren Senator Tikkes of the Galactic Senate was nearby and retrieved the wayward pod. Adi Gallia's appearance in "The Clone Wars" was first rumored when a computerized Clone Wars style head bust of Adi was seen in a behind the scenes look of the show by ABC's Good Morning America. Tossing her body to the side, Grievous escaped the battle, as did Count Dooku. Gallia also participated in the opening battle of the Clone Wars, where her actions saved countless lives. Selected to assist, Master Gallia joined the likes of Masters Koon, Kit Fisto, and Soon Bayts to capture the cyborg Grievous, Sith Lord Darth Tyranus, and Ventress. She then escorted Koth to a medic. As a result of their artificial origins, synthetic crystals created more powerful lightsaber blades and could be more easily augmented. The clone trooper pilots moved in with their starfighters and assaulted the enemy battleship, hitting several places along its hull. Gallia rescued Kenobi and several clone troopers and then closed the tube. Gallia and Reti later engaged in a space battle with Federation droid starfighters, ending the confrontation victoriously. Though synthetic crystals were ordinarily unsuitable for use in lightsabers, the Sith discovered that they could create synth-crystals that were energized, magnetized, and modified with the power of the dark side of the Force in special furnaces, causing the crystal to glow in harmonic vibration. Discovering more information on the Trade Federation, Gallia was dispatched to Esseles to uncover what the Federation was up to on the planet. Also, their common usage by Sith and other Darksiders after this discovery caused synthetic crystals to become something of a staple among such groups, and their use among Jedi was strongly discouraged.[3]. [Source], A Synthetic lightsaber crystal, commonly referred to as a Synth-crystal, was a type of lightsaber crystal that was artificially created, rather than naturally formed by geological processes. [6] Her understanding of the Republic's political complexities came naturally from being the daughter of diplomats, and she developed an extensive list of informants, networking both within the upper core societal echelons as well as the outer rim criminal underworld, making her one of the first to be aware of any suspicious galactic activity within the republic and the jedi order. Gender [28] Following the battle of Aargonar, Master Gallia and Master Plo Koon were called in to assist Senator Bail Organa, the representative of Alderaan. [3] Kenobi immediately attacked Opress, furious at Gallia's murder, but was stopped by Maul. Believing Masters Tholme and T'ra Saa to be dead also, Gallia and the other two Masters departed to investigate. Purpose [12], Prior to the mission to Obredaan, Gallia dueled Kenobi in the Jedi Temple, with the Padawan finishing by defeating the Master.[13]. Manufacturer However, a byproduct of this thinner blade was that it allowed for greater precision and control. Adi Gallia later assisted master Plo Koon, along with Kit Fisto and Saesee Tiin in rescuing Kenobi's and Skywalker's team from the Citadel on Lola Sayu. Once on the ground, Senator Tikkes' survey team began to explore the area where they were caught in rope traps or killed by hidden mines. Type Ordering his guards to surround the traitorous Senator, K'atel's guards instead turned on the Jedi, only to be felled by their lightsabers. Gallia was present for the boy's testing at the hands of Master of the Order Mace Windu, watching him with polite interest, and was there when the Council decided it would not allow the boy to be trained. Kenobi contacted the leader, Hondo Ohnaka to alert him to the impending danger. When the conflict cooled down, Gallia continued to monitor the activity of the Trade Federation, as she had uncovered that their involvement in the Stark conflict was greater then what they let on. Following Gallia's death, her body was collected by Republic medical frigates and taken off Boz Pity.[40]. Armed with wrist mounted blades and a high powered blaster rifle, they were exceptional soldiers and worthy adversaries on the battle field. Notable examples include Luke Skywalker, who used a synth-crystal for his first lightsaber, because he had no knowledge of the natural crystals at that point, and his niece Jaina Solo.

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