1 But Holofernes on the next day gave orders to his army, to go up against Bethulia.

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Help us to keep doing this. 1 Then the kings and the princes of all the cities and provinces, of Syria, Mesopotamia, and Syria Sobal, and Libya, and Cilicia sent their ambassadors, who coming to Holofernes, said: Judith's courage and charm occasion his death.

The Biblical Basis for Praying to Mary and for Catholic teachings on Mary, - 11.2. Albert Pike's Amazing Predictions of Three World Wars [1871], - 1.5. [26] Though she is courted by many, Judith remains unmarried for the rest of her life. 19 And Judith seeing Holofernes sitting under a canopy, which was woven of purple and gold, with emeralds and precious stones: 15 And he went into the tent of Judith, and not finding her, he ran out to the people. 4 For thou hast done the things of old, and hast devised one thing after another: and what thou hast designed hath been done. 14 The sons of the damsels have pierced them through, and they have killed them like children fleeing away: they perished in battle before the face of the Lord my God. The True Spouse of Jesus Christ By St. Alphonsus Liguori, 5. The justice of God is here praised, in punishing by the sword of Simeon the crime of the Sichemites: and not the act of Simeon, which was justly condemned by his father, Gen. 49. 2 Dread and horror seized upon their minds, lest he should do the same to Jerusalem and to the temple of the Lord, that he had done to other cities and their temples. 29 And all the people mourned for seven days. 10 And she struck twice upon his neck, and out off his head, and took off his canopy from the pillars, and rolled away his headless body. | Fisheaters Forum and Vox Clamantis Exposed, 22.

The Hebrew versions name important figures directly such as the Seleucid king Antiochus IV Epiphanes, thus placing the events in the Hellenistic period when the Maccabees battled the Seleucid monarchs. St. Bridget's Prophecies & Revelations [MUST READ], We are Looking for Helpers and Translators, Best Adblockers, Imageblockers and Flashblockers, Important Spiritual Info You Must Know About to be Saved From Hell, Important Info About the Natural Law You Must Know About to be Saved, Important Spiritual Info About How to Control Your Eyes You Must Know About to be Saved, - 1.1. Within the next three centuries Judith would be treated by such major figures as Heinrich Frauenlob, Dante, and Geoffrey Chaucer. In the epic, she is the brave warrior, forceful and active; in the homily she is an exemplar of pious chastity for cloistered nuns. The Book of Judith is a deuterocanonical book, included in the Septuagint and the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christian Old Testament of the Bible, but excluded from the Hebrew canon and assigned by Protestants to their apocrypha.It tells of a Jewish widow, Judith, who uses her beauty and charm to destroy an Assyrian general and save Israel from oppression.

Details of vocabulary and phrasing point to a Greek text written in a language modeled on the Greek developed through translating the other books in the Septuagint. Foreplay and Masturbation between Married Spouses are Mortal Sins according to God! The Book of Judith is a deuterocanonical book, included in the Septuagint and the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christian Old Testament of the Bible, but excluded from the Hebrew canon and assigned by Protestants to their apocrypha. 14 But when with hearkening, he perceived no motion of one lying, he came near to the curtain, and lifting it up, and seeing the body of Holofernes, lying upon the ground, without the head, sweltering in his blood, he cried out with a loud voice, with weeping, and rent his garments. 4 But the children of Israel, when they saw the multitude of them, prostrated themselves upon the ground, putting ashes upon their heads, praying with one accord, that the God of Israel would shew his mercy upon his people. Moreover, Ashurbanipal is never referenced by name in the Bible, except perhaps for the corrupt form "Asenappar" in 2 Chronicles and Ezra 4:10 or the anonymous title "The King of Assyria" in the 2 Kings, which means his name might have never been recorded by Jewish historians. "[42], At the same time she is the subject of a homily by the Anglo-Saxon abbot Ælfric. 6 Come to us a peaceable lord, and use our service as it shall please thee. SuscipeDomine.com and Kaesekopf Exposed, 17. 3 All these prepared themselves together to fight against the children of Israel, and they came by the hillside to the top, which looketh toward Dothain, from the place which is called Behlma, unto Chelmon, which is over against Esdrelon. 13 And I thy handmaid knowing this, am fled from them, and the Lord hath sent me to tell thee these very things. 5 And when you shall know that they are fleeing, go after them securely, for the Lord will destroy them under your feet. 21 For he will give fire, and worms into their flesh, that they may burn, and may feel for ever. 12 Then Vagao went in to Judith, and said: Let not my good maid be afraid to go in to my lord, that she may be honoured before his face, that she may eat with him and drink wine and be merry. 20 Woe be to the nation that riseth up against my people: for the Lord almighty will take revenge on them, in the day of judgment he will visit them. 17 Saying: the God of our fathers, whose power thou hast set forth, will make this return to thee, that thou rather shalt see their destruction. Book Of Judith Chapter 1 Nabuchodonosor king of the Assyrians overcometh Arphaxad king of the Medes. Martin Luther said that Christ Fornicated with three women!

1 But Holofernes on the next day gave orders to his army, to go up against Bethulia.

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