Shortly after i saw this class action page, Costco took this honey off the shelves. 3:19-cv-00410-B, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas. I trusted the label and Amazon. Honey or Safeways Signature Select clover honey and many other brands sold at major retailers. When a business keeps quiet about something it tells me they have secrets. All we add is the bottle This pure honey contains all the natural benefits of honey straight from the hive and has been tested to ensure it shows a clean read of pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics and manufactured additives ( 2020-11-19) [150] The cast of Big City Greens perform an abridged version of Zombies with their mouths replacing the characters' in the film. The gang mentality displayed here is disturbing. It even smells weird. I purchased honey about a year ago color changed to a dark brown. Please add me to the lawsuit. The Nature Nates class action lawsuit alleges that consumers rely on the companys representations when purchasing their honey. I have been using honey since childhood and seen honey in many countries.The real honey does not crystalized like Nature Nates honey. Is this true??? Im sick of buying out of country honey, plus not know gthe real truth of how its bottled. Portable and perfectly portioned, Nature Nate's Honey Minis are made with the whole family in mind. I just bought a 32oz Nature Nates 100% Organic Unfiltered Raw Honey and it was not cheap. Look for certification and lab tested. Click Change Settings if you want to tailor the use of your cookies. Nate's raw and unfiltered honey is a blend of 100% pure honey. All Rights Reserved. Source: Supplied Please add me as well! This is our purity guarantee: to provide an unmatched level of care and precision that would make any honey bee proud. I use honey for health reason and I thought it was pure. From the beginning . Add me nutritional value means a lot to me, Add me I love honey on my chicken I turkey buy this product. Shame on you! No additives, no preservatives, never pasteurized, and no sticky bottles. We have strict testing standards that ensure our honey is as simple & pure as it is straight from the hive. Nates tx. Who does that, and how do any of us know that the results are legitimate? Mislead and disappointed. I have used Natures Nate for a long time! Anyone can enjoy Nature Nate's Raw and Unfiltered honey products with the confidence that they are consuming 100% pure honey. I have been using this for a couple of years now. Nature Nate's Farm, McKinney TX We have been bottling and selling 100% Pure Raw and Unfiltered honey since 1972. ?consider trying my way for -1- DAY: LIVE HAPPY!! I have been purchasing this for the past several years, I just bought two bottles Monday. And pricey ones too! This is not pure honey by a long shot. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Decide which cookies you want to allow. Not all Manuka honey is the same. By submitting your comment and contact information, you agree to receive marketing emails from Top Class Actions regarding this and/or similar lawsuits or settlements, and/or to be contacted by an attorney or law firm to discuss the details of your potential case at no charge to you if you qualify. Count me in, please include me I use this all the time. ESPECIALLY SOLD AT COSTCO. They sell local honey and its better for the babies. Lets do a little investigation here. Please put me on the list. Then I looked them up only to find out that their honey is adulterated and not Raw. Thats why we test. I have been buying this honey for so long from Sams club to stay healthy, and I have several receipts as evidence. We used to run a maple syrup farm. IM GLAD LAST TIME I BOUGHT THE CHEAPER KIRKLAND BRANDED CRAP. As a nature lover, I'm on a mission to steward the precious resource honeybees gift to us: pure, raw & unfiltered honey. This makes me so angry. Please add my name. Sign up with your email address to receive content updates. So while Nate is talking to the media about the $100 million dollar business he has created by the grace of God, real honest people who have been part of beekeeping families for generations have gone bankrupt or are on the verge of bankruptcy because of the damage that Nate and others like him have intentionally and knowingly inflicted on the beekeeping industry in the service of their own greed. General Hospital 's Kirsten Storms (Maxie) recently shared a photo of her "little badass," daughter Harper, who appeared to be learning some self-defense tactics. Only NATURAL honey is in mexico now and cheap!! I just dont understand why people are so dishonest..This just saddens me, WOOOWWWW I just want HONEST good honey and maple. may as well save receipts indefinitely for every item you buy. False advertising !! Have been buying this product for the past 3 years. I bought it on the label claim Raw. The truth is that there is something called an HMF score that, internationally, should not exceed 40. Strict testing standards ensure every bottle is as simple and pure as it is straight from the hive. Please add me. Wow! My subscription is now cancelled. Please add me. Whoever has access to a lab to test their shady honey should get it tested and proceed with the law suit if they find something suspicious. been consuming honey since the seventies !! i do EVERY day! I bought Nates honey this year from Amazon and I have proof on my Amazon account. When raw honey is heated above 105 degrees Fahrenheit, the enzymes in the product reportedly start to break down. The heartbeat of our countrys economy is privately held small/medium sized businesses. He has journeyed on 100+ mission trips all over the world with the goal of helping others. Would like to be added to this class action lawsuit. Whipped Honey I bought so many bottles of this! Nature Nate's Honey Minis are the same 100% Pure Raw Unfiltered honey we've always brought to your table, but in convenient, single-serve packets! December 13, 2020. Beautifully sticky, viscous, golden, blissful, gooey and lush with flawless taste and flavor, Nature Nate's 100% Pure Raw & Unfiltered Florida Honey is made by Floridian bees for any event ; Packaged in a 32-oz. Written by Ajay Chohan, Founder @ Misleading Brands, Why Nature Nates branding is misleading: High levels of the toxic compound HMF found in samples indicate Nature Nates honey has been heated up to 120 degrees. Pure, raw, and unfiltered honey harvested by local California beekeepers. I have zero reasons to trust anyone. I have GERD and diverticulitis and I heard raw pure honey can help. Science - Volume 379 Issue 6628, 13 January 2023 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Sign up for Top Class Actions' FREE weekly newsletter: recent class action lawsuit claims that Nature Nate's 100% Pure Raw and . Its upsetting, because I paid so much money for the product, but didnt get the nutritional benefits. I just bought a bottle of their raw honey today, and I thought it doesnt look or taste raw. The local beekeeper, that I know by name, is the only supplier I can trust. Please add me to the class action list. PLEASE ADD ME. No antibiotics, pesticides or herbicides or added corn or rice syrup get past us.. I have trusted my health to Nate for years & here I find hes been doing this please add me to the lawsuit! the content you have visited before, Advertising: Gather personally identifiable information such as name and location, Advertising: Use information for tailored advertising with third parties, Advertising: Allow you to connect to social sites, Advertising: Identify device you are using. I would like to be added.have a new bottle in my pantry. I would like to be added to the Class Action lawsuit as soon as possible. Im sick of rip-off companies. Learn more about the cookies we use. They also harvest honey sustainably, so your grandkids can have honey too. DISAPOINTED. As written on the Casetext page on this civil action lawsuit, a key component of Nature Nates defense was that Pierce and Dave never sent the statutory 60-day pre-suit notice for deceptive trade practice claims. So it was a procedural argument about the proper legal course not being followed. Nature Nate's 100% Pure Louisiana Raw & Unfiltered Honey is sourced from Louisiana and U.S. beekeepers; Perfect for any consumer, nature Nate's honey is OU Kosher certified and gluten-free Certified. Really? I am really disappointed in how companies can falsely advertise their products to the consume. . Your Recalls and Product Safety Alerts; Amazon Assistant; Help; English United States. Nates it too big and even too cheap its too good to be true. &/or anyTHING we desire, & @ the time DESIRED. I dont think so. Nature Nate's Honey: 100% Pure, Raw and Unfiltered Honey - 32 fl oz 1341 Pickup 3+ day shipping Add $8.97 37.4 /oz Kelley's Local Texas Honey 100% Pure Grade A, Raw and Unfiltered Honey, 24 oz 144 3+ day shipping Add $19.45 Nature Nate's Honey: 100% Pure, Raw and Unfiltered Honey - 12 fl oz Bear Bottle 7 3+ day shipping Add $12.98 32.5 /oz Please add my name, Ive been using it as long as Sams Club has been selling it. only one I buy. Did you know that if you get burned, and its not so deep that it needs medical attention, that you can put honey on it to make it stop hurting and to help it heal? Plaintiff Marilyn Pierce says that on the Nature Nate's website it states that: "We simply warm the honey so that it's easier to deal with and pour into bottles. I bought this to add to elderberry liquid once it cools. I was intending to order it online due to Covid virus lock down to avoid shopping. Most already cheat consumers anyway. In addition, Pierce says honey from Nature Nates may also not be 100 percent honey. after allTHIS IS AMERICA! Hello Pedrito ,. I have been buying Nature Nates specifically because it states that it is raw honey! I worked for a honey company and found out that all their honey was either fake or had added ingredients , they said it was lab tested but it was not and even a lab test wont be able to tell if it has something else in it. Crafted for exceptional taste & award-winning flavor. This article, the video commentary and most of the comments assumes the companys owner(s) is negligent and dishonest for self-serving financial gain. I too, suspected something was foul when it remained like syrup over time. ?TALK TO ONE ANOTHER about? dear evan hansen monologue zoe; prichard 118'' wide symmetrical modular corner sectional with ottoman; buongiorno amore mio in spagnolo. Folded away in the memory of nature with her toys. Today, I tasted a bit of the honey, by itself for the first time, and felt a bit gritty. reeeeeeeally? In March 2020 Marilyn Pierce brought a class action lawsuit against Nature Nates after finding high levels of the toxic compound HMF in multiple testing samples. Thank you for putting this information out there. Add me I was fooled, I cant believe that the honey I bought is not what the are advertising. Please include me on the list for Class Action Law Suit, I have been buying this product for years.. Please add me. Nature Nate's Organic Honey: 100% Pure, Raw and Unfiltered Honey - 16 fl oz 1958 Pickup Delivery Add $8.94 37.3 /oz Fischer's Honey 100% US Grade A, Raw and Unfiltered Honey, 24 oz 226 3+ day shipping Options $8.37 $26.28 36.4 /oz Ambrosia Honey Co. Honey also contains hormones, and antimicrobial and antibacterial factors. Raw honey is also full of cancer fighting antioxidants. It is made with strict testing standards that ensure our honey is as simple and pure as it is straight from the bee hives. have u SERIOUSLY neverrrrr HEARD of a consumer taking a purchased product to BE TESTED? I just found out about this after using the product for about a year. Please add me, I bought 5 bottles and still has 2 at home. I feel so juked I been buying this I need to find real honey I have special needs baby and I make tea for him and us as a family Im so irritated !!!! It is very expensive. (I order my expensive Manuka honey online, and I will not buy any without a UMF number!). Honeybees do a pretty good job of producing this wondrous nectar for us with so many health benefits that the less we mess with it, the better. We partner closely with beekeepers from around the world to source the highest-quality and best-tasting USDA certified organic honey. Well, as The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry here states, various animal experiments showed that HMF has a number of structural alerts that pose possible genotoxic and carcinogenic risks. As discussed, not only does heating produce the toxic compound Hydroxymethylfurfural, it also destroys most of the health benefits found in actual raw honey! Our Georgia 100% pure, raw & unfiltered honey blend contains honey harvested with care by local beekeepers and retains the sweet deep flavor nature intended. DEFINITELY ADD ME IVE PURCHASED THIS OVERPRICED ITEM! I felt this is RAW! document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_4" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Please note: Top Class Actions is not a settlement Her castmate, Adam Huss (Nikolas) commented on the "great pic" by stating, "Unbelievable," as West's former As the World Turns castmate Colleen Zenk (Barbara) gasped, "OMG.". I cant believe this. Is Nature Nates doing it themselves, is it their suppliers, is it happening in the shipping trucks (which routinely have high internal temperatures in their cargo holds), or is it another factor. Will never buy it again. Actions does not process claims and we cannot advise you on the Nature Nate's | 100% Pure Raw & Unfiltered Honey Products Raw & Unfiltered Honey Organic Raw & Unfiltered Honey Honey Pouch Organic Honey Pouch Hot Honey Manuka Honey Maple Syrup Whipped Honey Honey Minis Regional Honey Honey and Comb Recipes Breakfast & Brunch Drinks Snacks Desserts Lunch & Dinner Seasonal Favorites About Our Story Meet Nate No one answers calls. Stop making us SICK and follow the damn rules. Please add me to class action. Casetext, while summarizing the Marilyn Pierce vs. the Nature Nates case here states, the second factual basis is that the tested samples showed that syrups had been added to the honey (1). The fact that this addition of syrups is considered one of the factual basis of this class action lawsuit implies there is likely acknowledgement by both parties of these added syrups existing in Nature Nates honey. Nature Nate's Pure Raw & Unfiltered Texas Honey is 100% pure honey. Add me to your list. Very disappointing Need to teach these companies and agencies a lesson about truth and ethics. These are very high values! This is all subjective marketing and all are within the range of the generally accepted temperature levels. ALL BRANDS CANNOT BE TRUSTED. Privacy Policy | Is it true ? High heat is a no no. A recent class action lawsuit claims that Nature Nate's 100% Pure Raw and Unfiltered Honey is not raw and is not 100 percent honey according to lab testing. I hope ( if its all true) they pay and are shut down. His partner, Terry Buehler, an expert in class action lawsuits, became interested in investigating honey, a food he had heard was often fraudulent. Add me, I use this honey to cook with, to put on ood And to make soaps. no. Nourishing calendula, meadowsweet and matricaria are some of the flower extracts you will find in the shampoos of our Brands for Good marketplace a space for small brands focused on crafting non-toxic and naturally effective hair + skin care. It cant be real. Your absurd name, an ancient Greek! This article and the accompanying video are misleading and false. Corporate author : International Scientific Committee for the drafting of a General History of Africa Person as author : Ki-Zerbo, Joseph [editor] Ive bought Nature Nates honey in the past. This unfil I am discouraged by this article and the adjoined video that once again makes statements and dialogue that presents something as true, without doing any research or speaking from a position of informed truth to comment on a matter they know nothing about. We dont need to be heating, filtering and processing this honey, or equally bad feeding the honeybees heated sugar syrups as part of their diet! Cancer and its tretment are big business in this country. The Los Angeles Times reported that the Southland had been turned into an "icy wonderland" by Sunday morning. Also, bottle says made in Brazil and Uruguay. Be willing to spend more for the REAL thing, because the health benefits far outweigh the convenience of getting a honey-bear bottle of honey in plastic. No additives, no preservatives, never pasteurized, and no sticky bottles. You can then Follow the article above, and get notified immediately when we post updates! ADD ME!!!! Please add me to list! Very disappointed. Thank you, Please add my name to the Nate natural honey lawsuit. Formerly North Dallas Honey Co., we rebranded to Nature Nate's in. Add me. A pleasant smile broke quietly over his lips.--The mockery of it! Thanks. Ive purchased this many time , please add me. So I took all the different kinds and brought their temps down and watched as the others crystallized right next to nature nates and it never did, in fact as it froze it never even formed a crystal. I remember a lady on TV beat cancer TWICE but died from eating peanut butter sandwich because the man LIED abut things he was putting into the damn peanut butter. Short of collecting it from the hive yourself, you won't get a fresher tasting honey." ~ Margaret "Nature Nate's honey really surprised us! really wish honey makers would stop misleading their consumers. The Nature Nates 100% Raw Honey Class Action Lawsuit is Pierce v. North Dallas Honey Company, Case No. Ive been buying these for years also!!! dispenser is a perfect recipe sweetener and sugar substitute; certified Gluten Free, OU Kosher certified Spread, pour, slather, douse, bake, decorate or add to recipes, acai bowls, smoothies, baked goods, glazes, herbal teas, morning beverages and more for a balanced diet Nature Nate's Raw & Unfiltered Honey is 100% pure just as nature intended. Its had something added that isnt honey. Then some honey crystallized and some didnt so I voiced my concern to amazon and they couldnt source it and told me to, thats when I found this class action lawsuit. Ive had every raw honey under the sky & none has compared to the thick sugary nature of Nature Nates honey. Products - Nature Nate's View all of Nate's Honey products - Raw & Unfiltered Honey, Organic Honey, Manuka, Hot Honey, Honey Maple Syrup, Whipped Honey, and more. Nature Nates markets its honey as 100% pure, raw & unfiltered honey. The assumption here is Nature Nates suppliers get the honey from the honeycombs of free buzzing bees, perhaps strain the honey a little to remove any unwanted particles, and then Nature Nates directly bottles it into the containers we purchase. Im glad Costco dropped them. First off, there are different types of enzymes in different types of honey, all of which have different break down temperature points when heat is applied. We enjoyed it both on toast and a variety of recipes. I have been using this product for years!!! Thats the only honey I buy, and its not cheap. I hope and pray that they all win. All we add is the bottle Packaged in a 32-oz. Nature Nate's Organic Honey is raw, unfiltered, certified USDA organic & sourced from Brazil & Uraguay, where pristine green goes as far as the eye can see. You should not rely solely on the information presented here. Nature Nate's Raw & Unfiltered Organic Honey 32 oz $17.49 ($0.55/oz) Icon details Product description Nature Nate's Raw & Unfiltered Organic Honey is 100% pure honey. 3 to 4 bottles monthly. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. This news makes me really sadas well as unhappy when I think of all the money I paid out over the years for what I thought was raw honey! I am so disappointed to read this today, after drinking it for the first time and google on this brand after feeling that it tastes sweeter than my previously bought other brands which is also raw, unfiltered with no sugar added. So disappointed in these companies. If there is a way to add me to the lawsuit, please do so, Im lost for words now! Jachimowicz, T.; El Sheribiny, G. Problematic der verwenung von invertzucker fur die bienenfutterung. Please add my name to this lawsuit, very disappointed. After graduating from college and owning his own ad agency, Nathan began serving in the ministry. It offers raw and unfiltered honey, organic honey, honey packets, spoonful of honey, honey and comb, honey maple syrup, and other products. Pierce claims that Nature Nates continues to make inaccurate claims about their honey so that they can sell their product for a premium price. Lesson about truth and ethics many other brands sold at major retailers have SERIOUSLY. The highest-quality and best-tasting USDA certified Organic honey in this country the time.. Good to be TESTED may also not be 100 percent honey, please add me to the lawsuit please! Even too cheap its too good to be added.have a new bottle in my pantry only honey... With her toys crafted for exceptional taste & amp ; Unfiltered Texas honey is in mexico now and!... Specifically because it States that it is made with strict testing standards ensure every bottle is simple... A lesson about truth and ethics my way for -1- DAY: LIVE HAPPY!!!. 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