Find adaptive and accessible recreation programs. Cans made of steel or tin typically used to contain food or beverages. Diamond, and King County Recycling Event **Be safe - wear masks, gloves, and pack your items so they can Prsrt STD US Postage Paid A Permit # 816 be removed quickly. Read about King County's approach to keeping valuable materials out of . Learn more about plastic bag and wrap recycling. All events will be held onFridaysat locations throughout the city. Rubbish Works and A Plus Removal and Recycling will pick up your old mattress for recycling, but fees are considerably higher. go down kitchen drains as this leads to clogs and costly Get rid of extra yard waste and garbage for free! Electronics The Take it Back Network works to keep reusable resources and hazardous components from reaching landfills. Keep Kent safe and beautiful by joining efforts to clean up your community. Get the latest vaccination and vaccine verification updates. Read about King Countys approach to keeping valuable materials out of the landfill and reducing climate impacts. View frequently requested items such as real-time traffic cameras or public meeting agendas. 33325 8th Ave. South, Federal Way, WA 98003, 253.835.7000, he City holds free recycling events and voucher programs for residents to drop offa variety of items that are not typically collected at the curb and/or banned from disposal. Our experienced all-purpose fixers and sewing fixers will work on them, and can help you learn repair too. monitors, TVs, e-readers and portable DVD players for free. site to learn how to dispose of unwanted items. Household hazardous wastes are products that contain ingredients that are toxic, flammable, reactive or corrosive. Includes wireless mobile telephones (cell phones or smart phones), personal digital assistants (PDAs), pagers, smart watches and other personal mobile devices. How to make recycling convenient and recycle more. The Law Department advises and represents all city elected and appointed officials, employees, boards, committees, task forces, and commissions on all civil legal matters pertaining to the City of Kent. The drop-off station (open Apply online or by mail. resale, or recycling, won't be put in the garbage and end up in the landfill. Suite 5701 hazardous waste collection sites. Learn how sewers work, and do your part to keep them running smoothly. Yard/food waste? Fill out an online report for non-emergencies such as Identity Theft/Fraud, Lost Property, Theft, Information Case Report, Hit and Run, Vehicle Tampering, and Vandalism. Learn about our programs to improve on waste prevention, resource recovery, and waste disposal. Learn about the Business & Occupation, Utility, Admissions and Gambling Taxes. . and in 37 of the 39 cities in the county, excluding Seattle and Milton. Fiberglass|Fiberglass consists of flexible fragments of spun or woven glass and is often found in insulating materials. To learn more about what goes in your recycle bin and what stays out see the guide to recycling, yard waste, food scraps and garbage. Learn more about the specialized workforce, convenient location and advanced manufacturing expertise it offers. Store in a covered area, on a shelf, or a second story. Garbage, Recycling & Yard+Food Waste Services. What Do I Do With? Information on citizen boards and commissions and how to join. Your garbage service in Kent is provided by Republic Services. Clean spills and leaks according to label instructions. Adopting preventative practices will save you hours of cleaning and reduce your need for aggressive cleaning products. Buy only as much paint as you need for a particular job. We provide information on utility rates and billing, as well as city taxes and business licenses, and the City's budget reports. Does it go in the garbage? It is often found as porcelain, toilets, sinks and ceramic tiles. Please store your cool, used cooking oil in a clear, plastic jug Provide your address and a few of your sale items. File an online police report or report concerns such as a pothole, homeless camps, graffiti, illegal dumping, street lighting, road signs, etc. 32nd St., Bellevue external link . Do your part to dispose waste properly and keep your water system safe. It should also be reported so that Kent PD has a record of it. Layer food scraps with yard waste or newspaper. for your area. The City of SeaTac will be hosting a recycling event for all King County residents at the North SeaTac Park Parking Lot on Saturday, Mar. Kent's Law Department litigates for the City and prosecutes criminal misdeanor cases, infractions and code violations. tank! When dropping bags or film off at a plastics recycler or grocery store, shake or wipe them clean andplace the plastic bags or wrap into the collection bin. Get case record information or certified documents from the Municipal Court. Fee-Based Shredding Events. Discover Auburn's storied history and visit the latest exhibit. For the holidays, join the fun at the starting line at the Christmas Rush Fun Run and Walk! Property management and owners can request residential parking permits for tenants. These locations are available to households, businesses,government agencies, and others with leftover paint in Washington. This map serves as a graphic aid only, and not a survey. News & events; Maps; Data and statistics; King County Employees; Vision & strategic plan; More about King County; . Plastic film includes dry cleaning bags, bread bags, newspaper bags, pallet wrap, and shrink wrap as well as plastic grocery bags. Please check back often for more events, subscribe to the Environmental Services E-Newsletter,and/or follow us on Facebookor Instagram. Upcoming events will be listed below. Recology CleanScapes collection began September 1, 2014. Seattle, WA 98104, Find certified small business contractors and suppliers, What to put in the yard waste/food scraps bin, Flatten boxes; large pieces next to bin; do not tie with twine, Recycle plastic by shape: bottles, tubs, jugs and cups can be recycled, Ignore the chasing arrow symbols and numbers on plastic containers, Cardboard without a waxy or plastic coating, Juice boxes, milk, soy milk and broth containers, See Not sure whether its recyclable in your neighborhood? 201 S. Jackson St. Visit or visit or call 206-477-4466 for locations. Small amounts of shredded paper are allowed in your yard waste cart if they are layered between yard waste and food scraps. Learn about the course, make a tee time, or enjoy the restaurant. If you cannot afford an attorney, find out if you're eligible for a public defender at the Kent Municipal Court. Online Registration is April 1 - May 15. Sign up for an after-school program or a variety of fitness classes. except in Enumclaw and Skykomish, which operate their own collection systems. It is more convenientthan ever to recycle pain in Washington State. View Class Schedule. Use this interactive map to find recognized neighborhood councils. Information on Auburn's Farmers Market that runs from June-September each year. Worn, damaged or torn U.S. Flags can be properly disposed of by the VFW. Note: This year's events are still being planned. Support better conditions for bicyclists by participating on the Bicycle Advisory Board. Older appliances may contain chlorofluorocarbons Learn how we reduce flood risk while managing stormwater for the City. City of Seattle: Index of items King County, outside of Seattle: Recycling Collection Events King County, outside of Seattle: What do I do with appliances? Find public artwork throughout Kent with our interactive map. King Street Center Carpet and carpet padding are considered construction and demolition (C&D) materials. As events are confirmed, they are added to the calendar. Find out more about COVID-19 and our ongoing response. The Council forms policies and regulations, as well as approving the City's budgets. Household products are made available that other King County residents have turned in. Make an online payment for a utility bill, business license, false alarm fee, etc. Safer household products are marked with EPA's Safer Choice logo. Recycling can reduce the size of your garbage can and the size of your garbage bill. Learn how pollution in stormwater affects you. of customers in the county's service. Container glass not sorted into color or grade categories. 24/7) is located at Les Gove Park, 910 9th ST SE, Auburn - just Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Certificate of Water Availability/Fire Flow Information, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, Drainage Utility and Stormwater Management, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, Rebates for water-saving toilets and washing machines, Rentals Park Shelters, Rooms, and Fields, Report a Pothole, Spill, Water Pollution, or other issue, Residential Mechanical Permit Application, Residential Parking Zone Permit - Property Management, School Zone Speed and Red Light Photo Enforcement Program, Sewer Service Availability and New Connections, Special Events Center Public Facilities District (PFD) Board Of Directors, Trees or vegetation in the Power Lines - PSE Puget Sound Energy, Volunteer Conservation Events with Kent Parks, When to call 911 vs. the non-emergency line, Kent Design & Construction Standards Manual, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program, Talking Trash: Recycle and Clean-Up Events for Residents, Land Survey/Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Check out the City of Kent's Natural Yard Care Page, recipes for safer homemade cleaning products, Bulky yard debris (spring and summer only), Concrete, Brick, Rock (summer and fall only), Tires - Passenger tires only - limit 10/vehicle (spring and fall only), Fire extinguishers - full or partially full (throw away if empty), Cleaning products including bleach and drain cleaner, Automotive fluids like antifreeze and motor oil. This is not the Kent Police Department physical headquarters phone number. Waste Management Auburn residential garbage customers can receive FREE bulky item collection once per year. The seven-member council is the legislative body for the City of Kent. Wastes collected at these sites will be recycled or disposed of properly. The Rental Housing Inspection Program ensures that landlords keep their properties safe for tenants to live. Clean wood includes wood that is untreated, unstained and unpainted such as: construction lumber, pallets, plywood, OSB, particle board(also known asparticleboard, low-density fibreboard (LDF), and chipboard), and branches. Note: the Factoria Household Hazardous Waste and Wastemobile facilities do not accept latex paint. Note: King County maintains this list as a courtesy to the public and does not endorse or guarantee the quality of the service offered or provided. It is important to follow closely what is and isn't accepted at the Wastemobile and Factoria Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Service. King County Solid Waste Division Administrative offices: King Street Center 201 S. Jackson St. Suite 701 Seattle, WA 98104 Get directions Contact Us Send us an email Call: 206-477-4466 TTY Relay: 711 Fax: 206-296-0197 Last Updated September 27, 2017 Share Tweet Email Print Boasting a circulation of more than 60,000 100% qualified subscribers, Waste Advantage Magazine is an independent publisher with staff that has more than 100 years of experience in publishing. Pay your bill and find info on water, sewer, storm, garbage, and recycling. residential collection container, with links to additional information if needed. To contact staff, see the Noxious Weed Control Program Directory, send an email, or call 206-477-WEED (206-477-9333). Tool libraries directly reduce unnecessary consumption. area nearby. Auburn residents can participate in a waste-to-energy program Register and update your voter information. Report graffiti, a broken traffic signal, and more, all online! Do not remove labels. Bound yellow or white pages typically printed on low-grade paper. Become a business partner! A thick, heavy covering for a floor, usually made of woven wool or synthetic fibers. View roads that are impacted due to construction or other events. The collection of garbage and recyclables in the county is provided by private solid waste management companies, or haulers, Find opportunities to show your work. Find sports, programs and activities, parks, events, arts, and community services for all ages and abilities. Information on street repairs, traffic signals, and online traffic cameras. Know what to recycle and put into yard waste. Our Senior Activity Center hosts programs for our senior residents. Report a tree or other vegetation blocking a traffic light or sign. Do not pour them out on the ground or down a storm drain or throw them in the garbage. The cleaning products and chemicals we bring into our homes can be dangerous - if not to adults, then to our pets or our children. Awards are given to the top finishers in each age group, as well as overall winners. Kent Phoenix Academy Kent's sewer system disposes wastewater from sinks, toilets, and other fixtures. with a secure lid and that is easy to pour from into the large Paint:House paint (latex or oil-based), stains, primers, sealers, clear finishes (e.g., varnishes, shellacs, lacquers). Hours. EPS and expanded polyethylene blocks are commonly used in the packing of electronic products and may be recyclable. This does not include biodegradable or compostable bags. website. The Wastemobile is located in the northwest corner of the mall (near the Nordstrom Rack and loading docks). Common asbestos-containing materials include: thermal system insulation, spray-applied surfacing (fireproofing, insulation, decorative), sheet vinyl flooring and associated felt backing, cement asbestos-board siding. Seattle, WA 98104, Find certified small business contractors and suppliers, Education & assistance for Green Teams, schools, and districts, Junk vehicles, Illegal dumping & Community litter cleanup. Please note specific material accepted at each event in the flyer below. Research City laws, ordinances and resolutions. The Environmental division oversees flood control, the City's water quality, and fish and wildlife habitat protection. In many areas of King County you can This cost premium underscores the importance of making waste prevention our top priority. transfer stations. No. Find recreational activities for every skill level and age group on this 18-hole golf course. They might meet only once or twice, or continue meeting every two or three months. Find out which bags are okay to use when you shop. Call 253-939-9792 to schedule a pick-up of up to four bulky items. The best thing to do with your personal documents is to bring them to one of our11 shred events held each year orfind another localShred Event near you! part of Pierce County's system. Look for the cooking Beware, it is always a good idea to delete or remove all personal information from any item you are recycling - better safe than sorry. Created in 1989, the Wastemobile was the first program of its kind in the nation. *Wrapping paper without foreign materials can be included in curbside recycling. Illegal dumping is the improper disposal of waste on public or private property. Agricultural plastic includes empty plastic pesticide containers, plastic twine, irrigation pipe, bale wrap, mulch film and other plastic films. Call after 4 p.m. to check the status of ballfields. Get permits for utilities, streets and right-of-way, grading and civil construcitons. Hogan Park Find road closures, traffic delays, traffic advisories and water over roadways in Kent. Panels made from a variety of materials designed to reduce noise. The Kent Youth Call to Action is an initiative that ensures that kids are safe and can access to culturally-responsive programs and services. The City of Redmond hosts free classes and events to provide information and tools to live more sustainably. Kent Municipal Court uses Zoom for virtual court hearings. A durable, non-absorbent ceramic that is fired at the highest kiln temperatures. Watch a short video Youtube about the Wastemobile . Watch a dazzling display of fireworks to end the night. Use the King County Metro trip planner to get to your destination. Printed 12X annually, Waste Advantage Magazine is solely dedicated to covering the solid waste and recycling industry with one publication and one price. Many King County services are continually adapting because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Kent's Streets division maintains and repairs all public streets, signs and markings. Find guidelines and applications for land use and environmental permits. The South King Tool Library provides equal access to tools and training in order to help maintainneighborhoods, build community and reduce unnecessary consumption. residents. Between February and October, the Wastemobile will visit rural, suburban, and urban communities around King County. A pebble-like, pour-in (or blown-in) product that is light-brown or gold in color. Oil-based paint cleanup requires turpentine or paint thinner (mineral spirits). Administrative offices: In 25 years of operation, the program has collected nearly 15,000 tons of household hazardous waste from nearly 500,000 customers. The padding material placed under carpet, often made of small pieces of foam rubber. Use the Survey Control Map as a self-serve location or as a initial viewpoint. We welcome new members, volunteers and donations. Some events are open only to residents of the city posting the event. Apply for a grant to fund your project, or to serve in the Arts Commission. For better recycling, keep like items together, as dry and clean as possible and out of the sunlight. See art from local artists in our very own Centennial Gallery. Click on the images below for more informationand/or link to the Facebook event. Sunday, except major holidays,from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at The Outlet Collection - 1101 Outlet Collection Dr. SW. Find your shared ride to work or school through King County's Metro rideshare programs. Use these land surveying and mapping services to support capital improvement projects, resource management, and more. The obstacles to collect, opportunities to recycle, and policy efforts surrounding plastic bags and film collection Washington Recycles Every Day Date: February 27 Time: 9AM - 10:30AM Topic: Plastic Bags & Film Recycling This exciting WRED event features perspectives across the plastic film spectrum! View theWaste Management Bulky Item Collection Flyer(PDF) for program details and accepted items. Get permits for new commercial buildings, additions and alterations, as well as plumbing and mechanical permits. The PFD Board ensures the funding directed by the PDF sales tax is used to only pay debt service on accesso ShoWare Center construction bonds. Plan a trip with the King County Metro bus system. SWD is part of the Hazardous Waste Management Program and operates the Factoria Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Service and coordinates the Wastemobile mobile collection program. Get a new pet license, or renew an existing license. 425.392.0285. Request case record information or listen to court recordings. 201 S. Jackson St. Find out if you're eligible and apply. If you're like many others, you've probably wondered what to do Find the Kent Design & Construction Standards and Surface Water Design manuals. A variety of programs, classes, and more, for all ages and abilities. See where your permit is along the plan review process. We have tips for safely handling hazardous materials, establishing a recycling program, improving on waste prevention, and becoming a Zero Waste business. Plastic Nursery Pots|Round or square pots made from a variety of different kinds of plastic and used for transporting garden plants and seedlings.Many nurseries and garden stores accept plastic nursery (plant) pots for reuse or recycling, seasonally and in certain sizes - contact your local store where plants are sold. If you're removing or installing materials on a roof, fill this permit application out. The City of Auburn has a Business and Occupation (B&O) Tax which maintains the Citys general governmental services. Administrative offices: Button batteries include small button or coin-sized batteries used in watches, digital thermometers, hearing aids, etc. If your city or neighborhood is not listed, select an More information at or call 206-296-4692. From extra waste pickup to team clean-up efforts, find events to improve your community. Pay fines online, or by phone, mail or in person. We also focus on water quality, wastewater collection and waste disposal. The Wastemobileis located in the northwest corner of the mall parking lot (near Nordstrom Rack and the loading docks). Kent's Water division operates the water system to make sure your water is safe to drink and use. Whether you're looking for affordable housing or you're a first-time home buyer, this resource guide is a one-stop shop for your housing needs. Click on the images below for more informationand/or link to the Facebook event. Kent Valley is a leading technology and manufacturing hub. local businesses. Check the City's Garbage & Recycling Upcoming Events page or call 253-931-3038, Option #2. Mon - Sat: 10 AM - 6 PM. Download and print a handy guide to recycling, yard waste, food scraps and garbage: Tree branches (nothing over 4 ft. long or 4 in. Finding housing in Kent can be a challenge. Dispose your recyclable items that aren't always accepted at the curb for free! site. Protect your City's water supply with these landscaping and gardening techniques. Explore Auburns Public Art Collection - the thread that joins art, people, and place. Get money back when you save water by replacing your toilet or washing machine. If you're in need, register for rent and utility assitance. REPUBLIC SERVICES remains the service provider in the 2017 annexed areas of Rainier Ridge and the Deyerin Lot. The City of Kent collects a small franchise fee of gross revenues from the cable companies for using the public's right-of-way. Thank you in advance! Visit the "What do I do with?" Seattle, WA 98104, Find certified small business contractors and suppliers, guide to recycling, yard waste, food scraps and garbage. This might include: pipes, cast iron, motor blocks, appliances, bicycles, tin cans, rebar, I-beam, water heaters, wood burning stoves, and lawnmowers. for recycling information in Spanish.. King County Solid Waste Division Administrative offices: King Street Center 201 S. Jackson St. Suite 5701 Seattle, WA 98104 Get directions Contact Us Send us an email Call: 206-477-4466 TTY Relay: 711 Find a facility Last Updated April 24, 2018 Not pour them out on the images below for more events, arts, the... Tenants to live more sustainably read about King Countys approach to keeping valuable materials out of mall! 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