I suppose the telepathy which Ive witnessed, its amazing! thirty two. You can lack a solid sense of self, or this aspect might play out as not seeing yourself realistically. Ascendant/Saturn = Can be inhibiting, or this can be suffocating or constructively helpful, but you will have a strong shoulder to lean on. Celebrities with Venus in the 1st house are Kourtney Kardashian, Audrey Hepburn, and Blake Lively. Home / Aspects / Neptune Aspects / Neptune Conjunct Ascendant. Blinded by self-pity. People feel sorry for you. It'll be important for you to learn ways to stay grounded and present, so you don't confuse and conflate your own feelings and experiences with others. Neptune is much like a higher version of Venus, so Neptune conjunct Ascendant means that you have a lot of sex appeal. Ill write more Later. Neptune and Ascendant person in conjunction are like mirror souls who long to be whole again. Endless compassion. Some people with this placement might feel like they are a well-kept secret. Weakness. However, this conjunction can also end in disenchantment. He had Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good fortune, conjunct the Midheaven, along with Mars, Chiron, and the North Node in the tenth house. All feedback is appreciated . I have taurus ascendant, lilith in taurus conjunct ascendant, Neptune conjunct MC in capricorn, moon in aries, and mars in Leo very similar to your boyfriend. Being stuck between the harsh reality of the physical world and the idealism of the spiritual plane causes curiosity and confusion. I have to use my intuition to get to my reality. Because of its mystical quality, it becomes much more difficult to actually notice the moment when things go wrong. Neptune in First House Conjunct the Ascendant. for (or typecast in) a particular role, gives us a wide spectrum of and a fortune. All rights reserved. Thank you for the post. Youll have to take responsibility for all your behaviors. Everything looks promising. You might do this by donning personas through creative means, like acting or writing. This article covers the ruler of the 1st house through each of the twelve houses of the birth chart. Chiron square Ascendant EXACT, Sun trine Ascendant, Midheaven trine Ascendant, Mercury trine Ascendantbut honestly, I think this is more an issue of genetics than astrology. Sorrow teaches you to see the world differently. The themes of this house will likely be really important to you, and they might even become a part of your identity. Confusion about what the point of ones life is. Neptune is one of the outer planets. Kim Kardashian and Paris Hiltonare twostars that found a different kind of fame and notoriety, both through high profile exposs leaked(!) This opens you up to outright deception, too. Thank you so much for sharing ???? Planets aspecting the ascendant should be paid a lot of attention to, as it is a key pillar of the birth chart and the personality. Three separate courses of antibiotics over less than two months time. ASC DESC MC IC D By the way, this also works if Neptune is in aspect to the Ascendant or is in aspect to the 1st house ruler. I find that Neptune is a different type of beauty, though Neptunian women and men are glamorous, other-wordly. No signposts. Robert DeNiro: 17 August 1943, 03:00 EWT, cemented her status as a 1960s sex symbol. Venus also bQ my true Lilith completing a 5th harmonic triangle (bM Q ASC)with venus at the apex, and Id would really appreciate how youd interpret that, bc . From: Born in Saturn, grew up in Venus. Thank you for this empowering insight. If you live the lower octave of Neptunian energy, you struggle a lot with chaos in your life. Appearance wise, maybe not helpful, but not harmful either. Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces phrases, concepts, imagery, and more to evoke meaning. I use mirrors and self-photography (especially my feet on the ground [Pisces Moon]) as a tool for grounding in my body. Entertaining read for new and experienced astrologers alike. These people are very raw in their approach, even if they dont know it. Brainstorm: Venus/Ascendant Astrology Aspects interprets astrology aspects between the Venus and the Ascendant. This aspect can also point to those who are very fond of plastic surgery, make up, and photoshop (Kylie Jenner has this aspect, and I mentioned Kim Kardashian above). An infinite, boundless outlook. We may need to re-evaluate our lives further as Saturn moves through Aquarius. Planets conjunct 7th & 2nd house cusps: Yes, I know this is a relationship houses. Difficulty making an impact. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. It is good to help others but know your physical and emotional limits. Having difficulty manifesting in the physical universe. One foot in this world, and one foot out of it. Unsure if having goals is a goal or should be a goal. Fears of manifesting. I have Neptune closely conjunct my Ascendant the orb is about 3 degrees. Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces phrases, concepts, imagery, and more to evoke meaning. This in depth personalized Astrology reading can provide you with a 30 minute recording to get a clear idea of what the next 12 months has in store. Knowflake. show in October 2003. depicted ground-breaking aspects of homosexuality on screen, and works by Many women and men with this aspect are considered universally beautiful. ascendant Neptune Aspects Neptune represents dreams, fantasies, addictions, spirituality, and compassion. Wiling away the days wishing for the ideal. Expecting divine intervention. Venus in aspect to the ruler of the 1st house works very similarly to aspects to the ascendant. All the roles forced on you erode over time. Those Neptunian folkcan be especially talented musicians, poets, artists or dancers. Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces phrases, concepts, imagery, and more to evoke meaning. Your not using your intuition. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. See through an illusion. Perhaps I was wrong. Think of Angelina Jolie (Venus conjunct Ascendant), Elizabeth Taylor (Venus trine Ascendant), Kim Kardashian (Venue square Ascendant), and Beyonce (Venus conjunct Ascendant). Because of this, the position by houses and the aspects of Neptune are more significant on a personal level. The ascendant conjunct Neptune in synastry is an ambiguous placement. It is possible to find a soul mate so long as you can be sure they are the real deal. Aphrodite(1388) conjunct Asc/Venus: This is a very popular aspects. sun, mercury, venus trine neptune. Users should take care, not to overdose. Missing what is right in front of your face. I think this one signifies beauty. I would say Bella with Saturn can be a downfall. Transcending reality. But, men with this aspects gain prominence. His Sun, three other planets, and the Ascendant are in Leo. At the same time, your compassionate, emotional nature might attract people who project their own emotions on you. Attractiveness by Sun for male and Moon for female. Similarly, there are also ways that you don't want to be known or understood. It is as if you are wearing a label on your shirt that says sucker which attracts all kinds of sleaze bags, con artists and junkies. Some measure of this is exhilarating. It is associated with dreams, inspiration, psychic receptivity and illusion. The urge for a spiritual discipline which gives you a path, guidance, and practical instruction for daily living. October and Finding Forrester). Yet, you seem able to pick up and absorb so much about the people and vibes around you that you're probably overwhelmed sometimes. You seek the divine teaching in each defeat. Being lost. people were not expecting this one. Hallucinating your life. It creates an idealistic idea of love that is characterized by strong fantasies, affectionate feelings and idealization of the beloved. With Neptune conjunct Ascendant as a transit, the world pours in, in a way that seems to dissolve all your previous boundaries and secure ways of knowing who you were. Arguably EVERYONE in the public eyes had cosmetic surgery these days but is it perhaps more popular with Neptunian people? The conjunct aspect usually occurs when two points of astrological significance are within 6-10 degrees on the natal chart. Still popular among the opposite sex. However, its conjunction with the Moon can domicile either within the same cusp or in the 12th house. uranus in the 5th house. Kelly's Ascendant in Scorpio and its ruler Mars are the first house conjunct her Sun in an easy aspect to the modern ruler Pluto in Cancer. There is a tendency with Neptune conjunct Ascendant transit to take the easy way out and take shortcuts. They stand out they look different and can captivate others very easily. I believe this aspects brings youth. Neptune is no exception and due to its boundless and dreamy nature your personality will be less solidified and perhaps fragmented, especially if you have other challenging aspects to Neptune. metamorphosis; to assume a potent, transformative position in society. If you do become entangled in some scandal then stop in your tracks and seek help before it gets out of control. Channeling. However, any lying, forgery, trickery, or subversion will eventually bring loss and disappointment. Astrology for the aesthetically inclined. The ascendant is one of the most important points in a horoscope. I dont have issues with forming meaningful relationships at all and Ive never changed my personality to fit in with different situations. Blind to the world. You see the world from a very different perspective than other people. The Neptune person can totally blew away the ascendant person. Save 35% off reports! ^They've got nothing on us Sag MoonsI was going to say you could just switch to Sidereal Zodiac. However, this conjunction can also end in disenchantment. Being such a highly sensitive person means it is very easy to become overwhelmed by too much sensory input. She certainly was not perfect looking but is a beauty icon. I could link you if you want. Having Neptune conjunct your Ascendant you're more likely to become a drug/alcohol addicts, but that's usually because these people are more sensitive and more delusional. Unfortunately she is not your typical beauty but has very beautiful 'things,' like in the way she dresses herself and her house. Seek professional advice for legal matters, major purchases, or business deals. Bella is the object of beauty, so anything she touches amplifies that planet. Discover if you have Neptune on the ascendant in a reading with me, email kimberly@starsignstyle.com to arrange. The Ascendant has a fixed spot in the 1st house. You likely change a lot throughout your life, more than most people. Leos just have that certain something something that attract others to them. You are more susceptible to addiction and poisoning. Ive seen forums on this this topic, without any definitive answer to the souring question Does this mean Im beautiful? I would say yes, but nothing is definite in astrology, as we all know! For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Jupiter Conjunction Neptune 509 Jupiter Sextile Pluto 307 Jupiter Trine Ascendant 535 Saturn Opposition Ascendant 351 Proud Member of: Mediavine Publisher Network Architectural Digest 2018 - Star Sign Style. You have a free pass into the world of fantasy (and you probably enjoy being there a lot). The best part is you are able to ask any specific questions you have. Subtle perception which needs to find integration in the daily approach to life. So, please dont take this list as the be-all end-all for beauty . My life has always been confusing. This lowers your defenses and makes you more susceptible to being taken advantage of. Uranus In Taurus Fashion, Aromatherapy Astrology And The Best Essential Oils For Pisces Season, HOME ABOUT PRESS & MEDIA CONTACT DISCLAIMER . The transit of Neptune conjunct your natal Ascendant is an important transit in which the impression you make on others will change. However, your sexuality is less visceral and more elusive. Since everyone loves you, your social circle is big. Neptune rules chemicals, the ocean, movies, anything without borders that lifts us up into a higher state of consciousness. And, one my all -time favorite asteroid. Rose-colored glasses. Her mercury square pluto only worsens things as well. Someone you pass by without noticing. Life is an illusion. Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces phrases, concepts, imagery, and more to evoke meaning. asteroid child (4580) trine or conjunct sun, ascendant, venus, neptune, uranus (not retrograded) venus, uranus, neptune, sun conjunct or trine midheaven. I definitely need a lot of alone time and spending too much time around people does drain me. It is wonderful for spirituality, creativity, but not so good for dealing with the day-to-day responsibilities of life, the practical matters. The presence of the planet could also point to scandal. Neptune rules mirrors, cameras, the stage and screen. The text below is the interpretation of Neptune transit when Conjunct Ascendant. You know more than me but the description of yourself doesn't sound ugly. Shiftless. This may be because some people tend to project their fantasies (Neptune rules illusion and delusion) on those with such charts. ), she was manipulated into staying. Neptune Conjunct/Opposition Asc: Gives one soft features. You have an eye for beauty & fashion, so you might have . This will be the motivating force that will pull these two planets together. The conjunction of Neptune to the Ascendant shows that you are very sensitive and perhaps psychic. Perhaps you feel both present in the world.and not. When this occurs, it endows the person with beauty, charm and grace. Your own sensitivities make you sensitive to others. Lower self-esteem is possible and in some cases depression. What is the motive behind these? You are often away in a world of your own where you can escape the harshness of reality, which is especially painful to you. Mystic. You make friends everywhere you go, a social butterfly with unlimited charm and charisma. A nagging parent or people invading your personal space can be too much to cope with. My natal Neptune is conjunct my Scorp ascendant (Leo Sun). People with this placement are often drawn to spirituality. Blending what you see versus what is right in front of your face. Not that theyre together but they have a strong telepathic thing going and even though she doesnt often dare to write to him, they manage somehow to stay in touch. You're entering a period of time that will strongly test your focus in life and how you go about achieving your goals. Neptune is the higher octave of Venus, so it makes sense that it would indicate beauty. Or on a more general level at least how particular configurations affect how we look and the image we identify with. Irvine Welsh: 27 September 1957, 15:20 GDT, Beauty should be judged by Venus. They are usually pleasant in nature, which makes them attractive to others. With Venus in the house of appearance, beauty is usually indicated. You notice energy around you, and you easily absorb it too. Youthful to the point prepubescence sure and I can see how that can turn off dudes who have more voluptuous tastes. Given that the Sun is the ruler of Leo, individuals with their Sun on their Ascendant often share similar qualities to Leo Ascendant individuals. Jupiter will spend the first part of 2023 in Aries, its a great time to start new projects and adventures, especially if you have Aries placements. It is spirituality, loss and longing andgoverns mysteries and glamor, movies and photography, and all that is designed to delight and create wonder through asoft-focus lens, Stars With Neptune OnThe Ascendant / Prominent InThe First House, Clockwise:Cheryl Cole, Bjork, Kim Kardashian, Courtney Love, Paris Hilton, Gwen Stefani, Nicole Kidman, Naomi Watts, Claudia Schiffer, Anne Hathaway And Marilyn Monroe. Ok, she made a promise. Letting life pass you by. This is not such a terrible thing, but it is boring to others. he had been offered the role while he was in a bat cave in Africa doing dangerous and ruggedly hands-on 007 (very different from the suave, The activity of the outer planets is often said to be turbulent and disruptive. You might have a completely different idea of a person than what they are like in reality. Even though these arent the strong points in my chart-Venus square ascending, Venus sextile Neptune, and Leo as my rising- I know I got a little something going on and the personality carries it! You can learn more about Neptune in this article. They are dreamy-looking and usually have beautiful eyes. There are many possible manifestations of Neptune rising. You will likely benefit from a consistent, disciplined way of expressing any reverence and awe you that have for life and for being alive. If someone elses Neptune falls on your ascendant, there is something magical about the relationship, but whether is it indeed as good as it seems is another question. playing the sexy, leather-clad 'Lizard King' Jim Morrison in The they're most associated. Getting high. JavaScript is disabled. She is very pretty, dont get me wrong, but I was amazed at the amount of men chasing after her. Neptune conjunct the ascendant leads to fluid loss around the face, causing premature wrinkling. You look like a slob. Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces phrases, concepts, imagery, and more to evoke meaning. They may have an aura or special quality about them that makes other people see them as a religious guru type. Neptune trine Ascendant likely makes you slide into a dreamy, pleasant groove in which to settle. pisces/12th house stelliums. When Venus and Neptune form a conjunction, beauty and romance intersects with dreaminess and serenity. Mist. Looking lost. Johann Sebastian Bach had the Moon conjunct Neptune at the very top of his chart. I believe this one also give an innocent look. This article is included in the Planet Combinations astrology eBook. You may look to religion, spirituality, or philosophy as a framework or moral compass. These guys are gals were born to be beautiful! This is not love! Giving yourself up to a guru. Wanderer. When Neptune crossed my ascendant, I was in such a fog I found myself driving the wrong way on a one-way street. The first house ISour physical selves and with the presence of watery Neptune we might not know where we end and the world begins. Aphrodite Conjunct the Ascendant This asteroid confers physical beauty, as well as grace. Neptune Conjunct Ascendant Any planets that are conjunct your Ascendant will influence your appearance and personality greatly. ABOUT PRESS & MEDIA CONTACT ADVERTISE DISCLAIMER . They stand out - they look different and can captivate others very easily. I find these individuals oddly sexy, or strangely beautiful. This article is included in the Angles: Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven & IC Astrology eBook. Sacrificing a direction in life. If you can stay realistic, ethical, and honest then this transit will be spiritually uplifting. http://www.astro.com/tmpd/c4bmfileXKtu1S-u1439514071/astro_w2gw_01_charles_butcher.71673.11021.gif. The best part is you are able to ask any specific questions you have. Entertaining read for new and experienced astrologers alike. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Kallisto (204) Conjunct Venus/Desc/Neptune/Asc, Sexy/Beautiful Aspects In Your Natal Charts Part 1. Sorry for my Hiatus Loves! , Your email address will not be published. Our ascendant is the face we put on, the mask we wear and the general physical embodiment of ourselves and our approach read more about the ascendant or rising sign, here. If you have this placement, you should find on the cusp of which house is Pisces in your birth chart. Neptune can express its energy like a distorting mirror-sending a warped image back to your eye. Acting and music are ideal outlets for your style of creativity and great imagination. An unreal approach to life. It might feel an otherworldly, enchanting relationship. On a personal level, the excuse of being overwhelmed and dissociated from others will grow tiresome. It represents the illusion, spreading a watery veil over matters and distorting the view. murgrabias tools, Your email address will not be published. Placements? video tapes thatwell and truly blurred the boundaries of their personal space. Other people bring real life to your doorstep like a cat bringing a dead mouse. Neptune Opposite Ascendant (Conjunct Descendant) This Neptune-Ascendant aspect can be particularly rewarding or troublesome depending on other aspects & the general attitude of the person. Many people with this aspect are considered universally beautiful. Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces phrases, concepts, imagery, and more to evoke meaning. She didnt handle the situation with her new love very well either. She took a long time to admit that she was not going off with him and left him hanging and generally left him confused and hurt (but hes still there, hanging on and hoping!). When you have Neptune conjunct the ascendant in synastry with someone, you can feel like you met prince or princess charming. Could my sun sign and moon sign overwrite this Neptune aspect and thats why it doesnt fit me? Matt Damon lost 18 kilos in 100 days. Kim Kardashian is an incredibly attractive woman who uses this to her advantage, able to be what the public wants simply by stepping out in style. Mercury Conjunct Ascendant. Star Sign Style - Astrology Fashion And Beauty For The Zodiac With Celebrity Star Signs, Share the story all about planet Neptune on the ascendant. Libracorn. Compassion calls you into serving others. Typically though, Neptune conjunct Ascendant would give a dreamy quality, in some cases a glamorous or hypnotic quality. It is also associated with intuition and spiritual enlightenment. My son has Neptune rising and no one really understands him. Thanks for the feedback Kimberly. Baby like. By planet:Both Venus and Neptune are prominent in her chart. Privacy Policy | Terms of Service, SALE!

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