However, Cora and Regina threaten to crush Johanna's heart unless they get the dagger. While the pirate distracts Greg, David chases Tamara, who loses her gun at one point. With a spin from his cane, he mysteriously disappears. David, Mr. Gold and Regina send him to the Netherworld, but when he returns, communication with Aurora was severed and she did not receive the message. FarmerSheriff of StorybrookeKnight of the Round Table (formerly)Black Knight (alternate reality)Assistant at pet shelter (formerly)Shepherd (formerly) They question him about the Wicked Witch's identity, but he is unable to tell them. She has skin white as the snow and red lips the color of a rose. The three of them, with baby Neal, get Henry and reunite with Emma. Biographical information Consequence: A result or effect of an action or condition. However, she disagrees, as fighting is so tiresome and just wants a fresh start in Storybrooke. David and Mary Margaret watch Neal free Mr. Gold from the box and have a warm reunion as their past differences and mistakes are reconciled. Suddenly, his wife, Kathryn, shows up to reunite with him. He tasks the seven dwarves with the job of spreading the word that everyone else should head for the same destination as their group. After he arrives home, she confidently reveals her capture of Will and then pardoning him. Kathryn allows him to choose with whatever he's comfortable with, but when she kisses him, David pulls away, asserting that the kiss didn't feel "right". David later keeps a secret from his family that he was poisoned when the Lost Boys fired at them with poisoned arrows. Later, at the diner, David humorously notices Henry getting close to Violet Morgan. Meanwhile, believing that she's already lost Henry's love forever, a heartbroken Regina attempts to take her own life. ("Shattered Sight"), After Elsa tears down the ice wall, remnants of Ingrid's magic remain and keep those who leave Storybrooke from re-entering. Anton, now back to human size, falls into giant-made hole clinging on for dear life. Charming locates Snow's latest hideout but finds Red Riding Hood instead, and she explains Snow went to meet with him and never came back. Upon the coin landing on tails, Rumplestiltskin takes away James while David is left behind to be raised by his birth parents. He believes Henry might know more about the book than anyone else, but since Henry is in a bad mood, he goes to talk some sense into his grandson. Later that night, a celebration is thrown at Granny's in honor of Emma and Mary Margaret's return. As David takes his place at the table, everyone bursts into applause, while Mary Margaret goes out to the hallway to calm down baby Neal, where she runs into a still living Lancelot, who warns her Arthur is not to be trusted. They at first have an antagonistic relationship, but it later turns into a romantic one. Because the curse was cast by SNow, they demand Mary Margaret is the mayor now. The Blue Fairy imbues the magic in the songs into Emma's heart and tells the couple that she'll need them one day as she will fight a certain battle alone. While spending time at the diner, David and Mary Margaret overhear Neal inviting Emma to lunch tomorrow. He lets down his guard in surprise, to which the woman hits him with a rock and flees on his horse, leaving him to vehemently shout that he will find her again. He is troubled by Mary Margaret's explanation that killing Cora would be retribution for her own mother's death. However, he believes Henry will feel better in time, and that Emma shouldn't give up on him. Emma agrees with her father and convinces her mom that she would rather wait for the right time to walk down the aisle, and for now, she and Hook are happy being together as a couple. After she leaves, David tells Hook that Emma is never going to like him since he's just a pirate. At home, he talks to Kathryn about the difficulties they've been having so far and learns she is not pregnant after all. Emma detects this means both her parents want to go back to the Enchanted Forest. Little do they know, the Dark One has been playing them all once again. FarmerSheriff of StorybrookeKnight of the Round Table (formerly)Black Knight (alternate reality)Assistant at pet shelter (formerly)Shepherd (formerly) Following the funeral, David and Henry head off, while Snow stays behind with Emma. In reaction to Emma purposely dropping her sword, Hook lunges forward to stop her from surrendering to Gideon but a terse David blocks him from interfering. ("The Cricket Game"), Sometime after this, Regina employs the Count of Monte Cristo to gain Snow and Charming's trust. Soon after Mary Margaret exits, Arthur arrives, explaining someone stole a magic bean that he and his people need for going home. Rose lived in Storybrooke, Maine and she got back with Emma and she told her that everyone . After Robin Hood spots the truck near his campsite, he notifies Emma, to which she phones David to let him know the search is over. Using the potion on the hat, it leads him to Jefferson, who he rescues from an overturned car. The Girl Who Believed Series - First Book: Rose May Mills was 10 years old went she find her birth mother; Emma Swan. Mary Margaret and Emma later share a n apartment together,becoming close friends unaware of their relationship with each other. After camping out one night, Snow White and Prince Charming disappear towards the Tree of Wisdom without the others' notice. ("Tallahassee"), David and Mother Superior are brought to the mines when the dwarves stumble upon diamonds, which can be used to make fairy dust. He proceeds to lash out at them, which Mary Margaret quickly stops by shooting an arrow at him. By the end of the night, once the party guests are gone, David arrives home. Emma receives news from Hook about Mr. Gold trapping Belle on the Jolly Roger to keep Hyde from going after her. Black was all she typically wore, but today she wanted to wear something with a touch of color. Once they return outside, they decide to find Tinker Bell first before continuing the mission. EN RU CN DE ES. During a group discussion, Emma agrees it's unwise to break into a place without knowing the way out. As snow falls, the two kiss. Gideon teleports in and grabs Snow as his hostage, but lets her go after Emma demands it. ("New York City Serenade"), As the group departs for Sherwood Forest, Regina proposes to Prince Charming and Snow White that she sneak into the palace through underground tunnels and deactivating the shield to allow entry. After returning to Kathryn, he promises to make an effort for their marriage to work. ("Lost Girl"), Sometime during the war with the Evil Queen, Prince Charming, Snow White, and their allies ambush her at a village. Prince Charming is sure that even though their chance to be a family is gone, it doesn't mean they can't have a different future together. David searches by the vault, finding her huddling in despair after casting a death spell on Cora's heart in exchange for Mr. Gold's revival and tricking Regina to put it back into its rightful owner, so they make haste back to the pawnshop. Kathryn suggests they need a fresh start to have a future together rather than trying to regain what they had in the past. As they wait, David and Mary Margaret persuade Emma to move on with life and not worry about things so much, but their daughter is finding it difficult to be a savior and have a day off from trouble. Since the group plan to leave the Underworld together, Regina sends Zelena, her baby, and Hades to wait by the portal first. Suspecting Emma is responsible, Hook, Regina, Robin and Belle break into her house to investigate. From regaining her memories that Hook stole from her, Emma realizes Hook wants to open a portal to the Underworld and bring all the previous Dark Ones to Storybrooke. Season(s) Hook convinces him that it was just a mistake and this doesn't change who he truly is. Wishing to thank Hook, David stretches the truth by praising the pirate for saving him from a Dreamshade arrow after they were ambushed earlier. Once Emma saves Zelena, a kiss of true love between Hades and Zelena triggers a portal to Storybrooke that is set to open in a few hours. Little does he know that the nightmare hasn't even begun yet. On arrival back to Storybrooke, David welcomes Jekyll to the town by leading him to the diner. Josh Dallas (Adult)Luke Roessler (Child) Emma briefly takes Ruby as an assistant , who later finds ajewelery box with Mary Margaret's finger prints on it with a heart inside it. After Emma drops him off at the apartment, he informs Mary Margaret about his find, which leads them to believe the villains want to revive Maleficent. David then sneaks off to confront the Queen and tries to lure her into a sword fight by insinuating she is not powerful enough without using trickery and magic to win. In her adult hood, still doted by her father, said parent dies and Regina takes over the throne. In the woods, they split up in their search for clues. Snow was born during one of the harshest winters the Enchanted Forest ever had. With Emma, they confronts Regina on her doorstep about what she did. Immediately afterwards, Mary Margaret is distraught over lying to not only Emma, but now Henry. After Emma reverts Merlin to human form with Regina's help, the frozen couple are brought back to the diner, where the great sorcerer undoes the enchanted sand's effects on them. At the docks, David finds Emma, asking about her reluctance to give Neal a chance, though she is preoccupied about Henry, who is not acting like himself. They then sail there after opening a portal with the bean. I post a poll everyday with various options and you get to choose where the story is going. Rumplestiltskin gleefully acknowledges that Thomas disappeared due to Cinderella's refusal to pay for their original deal, even though Charming consoles her with a promise to find her husband. He explains finding her in the woods with her powers still out of control. Maleficent then questions if it's enough, especially since they turned Lily into a monster, and she may not forgive them because of it. Even though he reasons Mary Margaret is having a hard time, Emma believes it's time to move on. During the second half of season 2, while Emma is away with Henry, she and her family cope with Mary Margaret learns that Cora had killed her mother to make Regina the Queen, which Mary Margaret vows to kill her. Emma admits she's been having hand tremors, along with a recurring vision of her own death that will happen because all Saviors are fated to die. Again, David finds the location is not to his liking and he complains about the area being drafty as well as needing a new paint job. Tinker Bell is skeptical, until Emma, Hook and Neal arrive with the trapped shadow, and she leads them to the next part of the plan. However, Snow was extremely remorseful when she re-awoke from the enchantment and replaced the mug and said it was the only thing broken she could replace. Despite the severe warning, Prince Charming writes a letter to Snow White, declaring his genuine feelings for her and asks that, if she feels the same, to meet him at the castle so they can run away together. Status: However, she shared a secret with Regina, causing Snow to lose her lover. She releases her grip after seeing Henry walk in, to which she tells him about what happened to Emma and Mary Margaret. Once Upon a Time. Later, Maleficent comes to the couple for help after Lily has threatened to leave town. After Zelena is stripped of her magic when Regina takes her pendant, David nearly swings his sword at a flying monkey, who reverts to Little John. The next morning, David vows to a sleeping Snow that he will fix things and reunite their family again once Emma is found. Portrayer The group are then frozen by Gideon as he moves to kill Emma, however, Emma stuns him with a burst of magic. King Xavier (Maternal Step-Great-Grandfather)The Miller (Maternal Step-Great-Grandfather)Cora Mills (Maternal Step-Grandmother)Prince Henry (Maternal Step-Grandfather) Re-congregating in the library, they plan to blast through, but then David receives word from Belle that the nuns can create a counter spell with only the necklace. Ultimately, the decision is made to save the stranger's life no matter what. David wants Henry to "horse-sit" first until the animal decides he is ready to ride. Flagging down the car, David searches the vehicle, opening the box, and he takes Maleficent's totem from it. Instead, she plans on having a chat with Regina to pull her back to their side. After some threats, Mr. Gold deduces he is sending Belle across the town line as David realizes Moe's dirt-covered hands are evidence of being in the mines. Snow planed on going into the wardrobe with her daughter, but sNOW unexpectedly gives birth to Emma before the curse hits leaving Emma to be left alone and Snow is trapped in Storybrooke as Mary Margaret Blanchard. Everyone else works on stopping Emma from completing the spell to snuff out the light, but Hook tries to talk to Emma directly, prompting her several times for the truth. Regrouping at the diner, the trio keep Arthur handcuffed, while making plans to unite Excalibur and the dagger after installing a new ruler. Then, he and Granny search and find Albert's car with a bloody hatchet and Ruby's stolen red cloak. When Mary Margaret comes home, David introduces them and proclaims they will find Anna. After pulling it out, Snow White asserts to Queen that she won't give up the throne. Regina is unable to activate the wand, yet she refuses to let Zelena try, fearing what her sister may do. She ponders which to wear to work today. While Maleficent goes after her daughter, David nurses his wife's injury. ("The Bear and the Bow"), Merlin tells the heroes about the plan to rid Emma's darkness by uniting Excalibur with the dagger. He states they are simply not compatible together, but it should not stop Kathryn from pursuing her dream. They observe an amnesiac and frightened Belle who crossed the town line, a run-over Hook with multiple cracked ribs and a passed out stranger in the crashed car. Josh Dallas (Adult)Luke Roessler (Child) Then, Snow White declares she won't go down without a fight; forcing the Queen to retreat. Finally, David proposes to give up his own life to Anton so he spares the townspeople. Mr. Gold announces he is saving his grandson alone since Emma is not capable enough. Prince Charming agrees to give Rumplestiltskin his cloak in return for Snow White's location and arrives in time to see her preparing for the Queen's assassination. Her parents pretend they were too harsh on the strangers earlier and have since let go of the issue, which Emma doesn't buy, but she accepts their explanation. During an apartment party in honor of Mary Margaret's return, David attempts to enter and apologize to Mary Margaret, but Emma shoos him away at her request. GALLERY. David immediately recognizes Mary Margaret as his wife Snow and then rips off the tubes covering his body as he deducts that this must be the realm the curse brought them to. Goading the dragon into chasing him, he eventually hops onto her neck and tosses the egg into the ear flap. At some point after this, he goes outside to look at a video still of Snow on his phone, and sees his father Robert covered in blood, causing him to pass out from shock. Mary Margaret then furiously berates him for lying to her the whole time, to which David attests he wanted to find a cure on his own so she wouldn't worry. Once, Regina tries to teach Emma magic, but Emma proves to be a terrible student and separates from them. At some point, David tells Kathryn their marriage is over with, although he keeps his feelings for Mary Margaret a secret. Though Emma insists they stay back, David and Hook advance as the intruder counters with icicles. After the two men move the jukebox out of the way, they retrieve the wand in a floor compartment just as the Black Fairy shows up to demand it from them. Still, Emma is worried something bad will happen as he reasons she has to see the good in life that makes it worth living. After making this breakthrough, he relates the information to Emma, which proves the Snow Queen did not come to Storybrooke due to a curse. With Dr. Whale's help, Mary Margaret gives birth to a healthy baby boy and happily cradles him in her arms as David looks on. Regina helps smooth things over by delivering a formal, but welcoming speech. Zelena asks herself and goes into being a midwife to get closer to Snow and to get closer to the baby, but Zelena is later evealed. Regina admits she previously planned to destroy them with a trigger, but now the device in Greg and Tamara's hands. Her parents agrees Pongo would be great for Henry, though things may get a bit cramped. As Lily is being guided by Emma towards Maleficent, she coldly stares at David and Mary Margaret, who both look on with troubled expressions. Physical Description He encounters Rumplestiltskin, who steals his ring and magically enchants it so the closer Prince Charming is to Snow White, the brighter it will shine. Through the walkie-talkie, David persuades Elsa that surviving is not enough and she must live, which the latter recognizes as her sisters words. ("Sisters"), Soon after Regina lets Zelena go to Hades, the heroes are approached by the Underworld lord for help, because Zelena is being ransomed by Mr. Gold and Peter Pan. Before the trip to Oz, David has Hook cross out Snow's name on the headstone and carve his on it, which allows Snow to leave with Ruby. Kathryn, trying to close the gap between them, suggests they go to bed. Emma makes the effort to unveil the map by stating facts about herself, with encouragement from her parents, but nothing works. |-| As Mary Margaret Blanchard =. In the midst of getting ready for the ball, David tucks baby Neal into a crib, while Mary Margaret instructs Doc on what to do if Neal gets fussy. Emma manages to get some of the Lost Boys to open up about Pan's current location at his "thinking tree" in Pixie Woods after promising to bring them off the island. Emma and Killian are enjoying being newly married, Henry is a teenager with less time for his mothers, and David and Snow's relationship has changed. Emma, desperate to save him, even if it means making Hook a Dark One like herself and causing her own descent into full darkness, ignores the pleas of her friends and family and teleports away with Hook. Biographical Information While Henry is convinced they are just lying down, Emma walks away uncomfortably. ("7:15 A.M."), Beginning an affair, he and Mary Margaret begin seeing each other secretly. They free the giant, Anton, who reacts in fury when he sees David. Trouble brews when Albert and an angry townspeople want Ruby arrested for Billy's murder, so David locks her up for safety reasons. Archie tries hypnosis to find out what he has been doing in his blackouts. David is shocked at the news, which he was not aware of, though it brings attention to the fact he's still married. Seeing as Emma is still frustrated over the map, David attempts to go after her, but Mary Margaret goes to talk to their daughter instead. Before the royal pair can persuade the soldiers to relent, Maleficent morphs into a dragon and kills the guards with her fire breath. At the peak, David demands the sextant from Hook, who admits lying about the satchel in order to find a cure. Ruth suggests they sell the farm, and David begins traveling to Longbourne to fulfill her wishes. When she claims he knows nothing about loss and is only afraid of it, David recalls how his father's death due to alcoholism shaped his beliefs. Instead, she confidently reveals her capture of will and then pardoning him spares the townspeople he... Free the giant, Anton, who loses her gun at one.! Save the stranger 's life no matter what her parents want to go back the! A group discussion, Emma believes it 's unwise to break into dragon... Affair, he and Mary Margaret let Zelena try, fearing what her sister may do the. He is ready to ride to Queen that she wo n't give up on him flagging the! 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